Sunday, October 23, 2011

Spreading the Gospel at Arizona State

In 1945 Arizona State Teachers College became Arizona State College. Later in 1959 the governor would authorize an act which approved it as Arizona State University home of the Sun Devils. While attending we had many friends and aquantences. I found out that Charles and Carrol Powell were attending also. The Powells had been neighbors in Bryce. There cousin Duane Levi was always with them too. We visited a lot between classes. I encouraged them to play church basketball and go to stake socials. They lived in Scottsdale where they had a LDS branch an they were in our Maricopa Stake. All three Charles Powell, Carrol Powell and Duane Levi joined the church. I think that I baptized them.

While we lived in Dad's house we had an old couple from California as neighbors. They were Burns but their grandson John Phillip Peterson came to live with them while he went to Arizona State. Known as Jack he fit right into our family and was with us every free moment. He went to mutual activities and later to Sunday meetings. He asked me to baptize him after he learned more about the church. He graduated from Arizona State and became a teacher, got married and had a BIG happy family. The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Later-day Saints has been important in their lives. We keep in touch still today.

During my sophomore year I was working regularly for Millett's in all my spare time as we had Cushman Motor Scooters, Alma made a delivery vehicle out of a three wheeler by putting a big basket on the back. We did a lot of deliveries to shut-ins. Mesa had many shut-ins, too old to drive, where laid up with crippling diseases and other ones. Doing these deliveries I made some special friends. We did a great deal of deliveries also for the LDS Bishops Storehouse.

During Christmas vacation I was making many deliveries. One day just before Christmas I was returning from making deliveries when I had a pain in my right side. I was nauseated so I got off the scooter and threw up. I doubled over with pain and had to wait until it supsided to return to the store. Alma knew I must be having appendicitice. Blood tests confirmed the diagnosis and Dr. Patterson removed it at the Southside Community Hospital.

I spent Christmas in the hospital but got out in time to go back to school after New Years. I was told not to take PE. I needed the credit so I took dance. I enjoyed the dance class especially the sqare dancing part.

In the fall our square dancing teacher set up a halftime sho at the football game. She thought it would be neat to have one of the girls lose her skirt on the last twirl, faint and be carried off. I was the huskiest man in our class, so she chose me and my partner. I was dancing with a girl from west mesa, Bertie Hogle that weighed a bit over 100 lbs. We put on a great square dance exhibition and when my partner lost her her skirt and fainted the crowd loved it. As I carried her off the field my operation hurt cause I wasn't suppose to lift anyting over 10 lbs! My side hurt a fre days but it has never hurt since, WHEW!

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